The Role and Functions of Police Siren

The role of police sirens is critical in alerting pedestrians and people on the road of the presence of a police vehicle. Indeed, it is not only to warn drivers on the road only but also people on the sidewalks too. For instance, a police vehicle might be in pursuit of a rogue car at high speed with the sound of the siren acting as an indication for people on the sidewalks not to get down on the main road.

The sound from a police siren speaker is often changed to get the maximum attention. Police officers generally use the “wail” sound when they are on the highway. Once they face heavy traffic at intersections or crowds, they switch to the “piercer” tone, so called because the sound pierces through the senses of people. The latest in police car sirens is the “howler” function which operates at low frequency and alerts drivers miles in front to move out of the way.

In a nutshell, then, police sirens are used in a wide range of circumstances. Their primary function is to inform people that an emergency vehicle is on their way. A police siren, when heard by criminals, acts as a deterrent to the crime. In case of traffic offenders and those over speeding, the blaring of sirens is an indication for the drivers to pull over when it is safe to do so. However, the most vital function of a police siren is to clear the way and ensure that officers get from point to point in the shortest possible time.  


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