Various Aspects of Police Siren and their Uses

There are a number of reasons why police siren is so critical for law enforcement. A police siren signals an approaching police car, indicating that help is at hand. It is also used to clear the road ahead when rushing to a call. Police sirens are also useful to indicate to a driver to pull over in case of any infringement of law.

Emergency vehicles have different siren sounds so that the presence of a fire-truck, an ambulance or a police car can be distinguished by the people at large. If all emergency vehicles had the same siren, they would find it difficult to distinguish between each other’s sirens. This can lead to crashes which are sometimes referred to as a wash-out effect.

There are two common sounds that emanate from a police siren box in the USA. One is the wail which is the traditional sound that also denotes the speed of the car. The other is the yelp that has an increasing and decreasing pitch, thereby catching the attention of the people at the site of an incident or on the road quite easily.

There is a definite police car siren policy in the USA but that is not standardized across States. Hawaii and California, for example, have limited the use of police sirens to the wail and the yelp pitch only. Hawaii has further fine-tuned the use of police sirens. The yelp should be used to order traffic offenders to pull over while the wail is to be used in other usual emergencies.


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